King Communications

King Communications, in collaboration with the Vodafone Ireland Foundation

With "Hi Digital," King Communications, in collaboration with the Vodafone Ireland Foundation, ALONE, and the Irish Girl Guides, is dedicated to bridging the digital divide.
Woman waving at a laptop screen

King Communications

King Communications, in collaboration with the Vodafone Ireland Foundation

Woman waving at a laptop screen
With "Hi Digital," King Communications, in collaboration with the Vodafone Ireland Foundation, ALONE, and the Irish Girl Guides, is dedicated to bridging the digital divide.


About Vodafone Ireland Foundation:

The Vodafone Ireland Foundation is deeply committed to connecting for good, aligning with Vodafone Ireland’s brand identity. Since its establishment in 2003, the foundation has spearheaded a wide range of community initiatives and programs, including valuable partnerships with organizations like ALONE and the Irish Girl Guides. Operating in harmony with 27 Vodafone Foundations worldwide, the Vodafone Ireland Foundation utilizes cutting-edge technology to support groups across all segments of society, striving to make a tangible difference in their communities.

About ALONE:

ALONE is a charitable organization dedicated to assisting older individuals who may be socially isolated, homeless, living in poverty, or facing crises. ALONE provides direct support through its four primary services: Support Coordination, Befriending, Housing with Support, and Campaigns for Change. ALONE collaborates with other organizations to ensure the best possible outcomes for the older individuals they serve.

About Irish Girl Guides:

The Irish Girl Guides is a youth-driven organization with a rich history of empowering girls and young women in Ireland for over a century. Their commitment lies in helping girls develop the skills and confidence needed to thrive in life. Through the “Hi Digital” partnership, the Irish Girl Guides will train Digital Champions who, in turn, will support older individuals in their communities in acquiring essential digital skills.


With “Hi Digital,” King Communications, in collaboration with the Vodafone Ireland Foundation, ALONE, and the Irish Girl Guides, is dedicated to bridging the digital divide. Together, we aim to empower individuals of all ages, especially older citizens, in their digital journey, ensuring that no one is left behind in this ever-evolving digital landscape.

To learn more about “Hi Digital” and how to get involved, please call  01 230 0999 or contact us here.